
Welcome to this work,
Made possible mainly out of two associations,
And a calling.

A College #

The Higher Institute of Information and Communication Technologies is a public university establishment belonging to the University of Carthage placed under the supervision of the MESRS.

The institution is located in the Borj Cédria Technopole in the southern suburbs of the city of Tunis providing high-level training in the fields of information and communication technologies.

Falling within the LMD scheme;
Licence aka Bachelor, Masters, Doctorate.

I took some pictures of the campus that you may want to see.

I know.. I disappeared post year 1, but that helped mentally—Exact—that I outsourced it for others.

A Startup #

Now NxCi, after I personally merged it‗❍.
They still have full case process for their own record.

I created their LinkedIn page and left the super admin acces after designing the banner and adjusting their new logo.

Click here as well and expand on the details of the drive publisher and head of engineering.

I even created for them an amazing brochure that I synthesized through my extensive involvement in the business. I still remember how much our HR loved it once I packeted it.

I also was the main resource for their marketing and content production.

Here is a chronological order.

I've produced these paterns and formulated that Quebec bill, but also developed core functions and engineered AI integrations.

Beyond that, I handled sensitive attachments and constructed Command & Control Tactics, and I designed Lateral Movement in infrastructure while crafting users identity in the new era of cloud.

Get to learn about it more for real, #

NXC - International is a Canadian consulting firm focused on cloud computing and cybersecurity.

By the way, if by any means LinkedIn server is down, please check them out here.

Established upon the merger of two startups‗❍, NXC leverages their combined proven expertise gained while delivering several mandates and large-scale projects within the Canadian market.

Random company

NXC - International is structured around a Center of Excellence (CoE) divided between Canada and Tunisia.

NxCi is supervised by senior management based in Montreal.

Now let's get even more real to the fact that I can’t tell that those above made me.

I would rather say that;
I made myself out of these two.
Among so many.

A Calling #

This what you see here started as client duty.

I was in charge and responsible of setting up Sentinel resources for customers including the canadian real state leader Pure Industrial.

Here is a roadmap I constructed and delivered for them.

Once done, I thought it better to document it.

So I made these mini-manuals here and there.

I shared the latter internally with a co-worker only.

He liked it to the degree that he passed it to our main Teams channel with the management.

I also contributed to the core Microsoft Sentinel Repo on Github with a financial workbook and its metadata that was used by thousands of soc engineers and architects to track expenses and drive costs best practices.

A while later, I thought;
Why not make something of more significance, a report out of it?

So I made a bundle that I deployed to college and I'll be gifting you too.

A while more, I thought again;
Why not make it more streamlined, accessible that I turn it into a website?

Welcome to those thoughts, here and now.

You'll likely read the word "insights" repeatedly throughout this piece.

Embrace its intended significance and allow these insights to proliferate.

Enjoy, Yaḩya.