This section offers a comprehensive overview of the essential prerequisites and operations for establishing Microsoft Sentinel within your Azure tenant, particularly on a pay-as-you-go subscription. It serves as your expert guide, covering every facet from inception to proficient operation and mastery of core functionalities.

Installation and Configuration #

We meticulously navigate the initial configuration steps, ensuring you're well-equipped to embark on your Sentinel journey.

Setup Azure Log Analytics Workspace #

  1. Search for Log Analytics Workspace in the Azure Portal.
  2. Click on the service, then click Create to create a new resource.

Cheers to reverse engineering!

  1. Specify the required subscription. Microsoft Azure Log Analytics Workspace Resource Creation

Phase 2: Implementation of Log Analytics Workspace

  1. Choose your resource group or create a new one for all related Sentinel resources.
  2. Name your workspace.
  3. Pick the region and click Review + Create.
  4. Wait for validation to pass, then click Create.

Enable Diagnostic Settings #

After creating your project, include data sources within your workspace to enable data transfer into Sentinel.

  1. In Log Analytics Workspace, go to Diagnostic Settings.
  2. Click Add Diagnostic Setting.
  3. Specify the types of logs you want to access.
  4. Send the logs to the workspace you just created, and configure other options if necessary.
  5. Pick a name for the setting.

Microsoft Azure Log Analytics Workspace Diagnostic Settings

Once finished, click Save.